Recent Works

Public School Can Be a Training Ground for Faith
My daughter will wrestle with worldliness in her education, just as I did. That’s why I want to be around to help.
N.T. Wright: What Jesus Would Say to the ‘Empire’ Today
How “Jesus and the Powers,” cowritten with Michael F. Bird, calls Christians into the political sphere.
Why Your Favorite Theologians Are All Talking about Theological Anthropology
Attention to bodies and cultural conflict has brought attention to the question of what it means to be human.
Friends in High Places
Christians love celebrity conversions, but this obsession may not be as gospel-centered as it seems.
First Woman Steps into Leadership of Evangelical Theological Society
Wheaton professor Karen Jobes becomes president a decade after a study found “hostile and unwelcoming” atmosphere.
New Atheism Is Dead. What’s the New New Atheism?
Far fewer British people agree with vitriolic assertions about religion. Still, disbelief in God is on the rise in both the UK and the US.
Jesus Christ Is Not a Superstar
Popular portrayals of the God-Man can draw admiring crowds, but they can’t create imitating disciples.
Top 5 Heresies Among American Evangelicals
It’s 2022, but Arianism and Pelagianism are steadily making a comeback, according to the State of Theology report.
How to Be Human Like God
The Bible proposes a radical notion that human beings can and should be like God. We are created in the “image of God” (Gen. 1:27) and called to “be imitators of God” (Eph. 5:1, ESV). But in order to know what it means for humans to image or imitate God, we must know...
Taking Kids to Church Matters More Than the ‘Right’ School, Study Suggests
Even faith-based education has less impact than religious attendance.
Why the Mars Hill Podcast Kept You Waiting
“Rise and Fall” producer Mike Cosper takes listeners backstage to answer questions about production delays, his personal experience, and more.
Afghan Muslims Are Asking Questions. These Christians Are Ready to Answer.
From sharing online messages about Jesus to serving in resettlement communities, church leaders approach this missional moment with prayer and patience.
The Afghan Immigration Crisis Is Bigger, Faster, More Traumatic. Are Ministries Ready?
Tens of thousands of Afghan evacuees are coming to the US without special status or government funding for resettlement, putting more responsibility on Christian donors and volunteers.
‘They Cannot Burn Jesus Out of Me’: Mozambique Pastors Minister to Survivors of Violent Insurgency
Despite the risks in the region, Christians are flocking to camps and targeted villages to provide resources and spiritual care.
‘How Could All the Prophets Be Wrong About Trump?’
After the 2020 election, a remnant of charismatic leaders are trying to revive their movement from within.
How Evangelicals Pushed Back on Biden’s Refugee Reversal
Advocates united to hold the president to his campaign promise, combat administration’s misinformation.
560 UK Churches Ready to Welcome Hong Kong Wave
British Christians seek to learn from past Windrush mistakes in their nation’s largest planned migration in 50 years.
$500K Medical Missions Award Goes to OB-GYN Nun in Uganda
Her call to serve the “least of these” led her to maternal care at a rural hospital.
Refugee Ministries Hope to Rebuild Under Biden
After drastic cuts over the past four years, they need to rally partners and volunteers to be ready for a jump in refugee admittance.
The Most Diverse Small Town in America Mourns Refugee Cuts
The election could determine the future of resettlement ministries in Clarkston, Georgia.
A Cloud of Witnesses
Cyrus Khorsani may have fled Iran, but he did not abandon his brothers and sisters in Christ.
The Better Kingdom
What churches abroad taught me about the intersection of faith and politics.
A Church Without Walls
The dwindling number of Christians isn’t enough to discourage Danny Awad from continuing God’s work in Bethlehem.
Hope for the Holy Land
Christianity is alive and well in the place of its birth.
An Unlikely Missionary
Carmen LaCosta didn’t feel qualified to join God’s mission, but He used her anyway.
Who is Our Neighbor?
Joseph Ramos continues the work of Hurricane Maria as he tears down social and economic barriers among the people of Puerto Rico.
Closer to Home
What I’ve learned from my family’s legacy of hospitality and missions
Willing to be Weak
Blessed are those who are poor in spirit.
Trauma Healing Seminar in Clarkston
In January, we introduced you to Fred Otieno and his important ministry among refugees in Tanzania. Since then, Otieno visited Atlanta, Georgia where he was invited to teach his trauma healing seminar in the UN-resettlement area of Clarkston, Georgia.
Let It Be a Sweet Sound
When the Lord revealed His nearness to Stelios Skiadas, he returned to worship and sharing the love of Jesus.
Saying Yes to God
Brian Holland discovers God's provision and power through coffee beans.
All Things New
With the Holy Spirit’s help, Olga Westfall speaks words of healing to veterans in physical, mental, and spiritual recovery.
Why Do We Struggle with the Crucifixion?
Loving God is Loving Your Neighbor
Unentitled to Heaven